Hey it's D-Dogg again! And did you forget what today was? It's MONDAY! That means D cooks dinner for her family.... And unlike last time when I made the goulash, this time I remembered to take pictures! It was chicken parmesan over angel hair pasta! Yummmm. So after I dished it up and we were all about to sit down for dinner, I yell and run to my room to get my camera to take some model shots of the plate of food because as T always says, "blog about everything and anything!" (although we haven't been following this rule lately...). Then my mom says when I'm taking pictures of my masterpeice, "Now -----, one rule to cooking is not to be arrogant." And I had to explain to my silly mother that I wasn't taking pictures of this beautiful piece of art just for my personal enjoyment! I was planning to post it on the blog for the whole world to enjoy it! So to wrap it up, you better enjoy it! Although the picture does make it look a little nasty and rubbery, it was delish! :)
I <3 our blog