Darn you Jesse's Kids! Why haven't you been posting?! Sorry readers of our lack of interest in our blog lately...
Well it's D annd I am so superrrrr STRESSED about exams and life in general. The end of the school year should be free and exciting but not for I..... And I'm leaving the Kids in less then a week to go to my summer home up north :( and packing, exams, etc have just taken a toll on me to say the least.
And now I will stop talking about my stressful life and start talking about something interesting. HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE AWESOME ANIMAL BRACLETS??!! Well if you haven't, where have you been?? They are only the cooliest and most trendiest thing on earth since jelly shoes! Everybody whose anybody has one!
stay real,
i agree with "d-dogg" the "Jesse's Kids" aren't posting? Why not? oh ya and i love the animal bracelets :)